Collection Fly High, nerikomi 'Swivel'

Last firing of the year! Time to have a break and think of new forms.


Home use nerikomi plates


Some last slices of nerikomi pattern blocks turned into plates, for home use, as a memory of my creation.




Nerikomi pattern blcoks

Working on new nerikomi pattern block for next group of works. Some with spirals, some wavy, and some with speckled squares.

Wavy pattern:

With speckled square patern:

Spiral pattern:

Collection Fly High

A bigger flapping ‘whale tail’, a third new creation of the year!

I like this shape  (Collection Embrace) very much, with a sense of movement.

Have been thinking how to build a bigger one, with bigger visual impact, that my super thin 3mm pure porcelain Nerikomi sheet can manage, without collapsing in the making, and in the kiln.

It shows that when one think of a target/problem often enough, the breakthrough idea will come. 




Dutch Ceramics Magazine, de kleine K,

Very pleased to be interviewed by Dutch Ceramics Magazine, de kleine K,about my work.

Publication date 30th August, a few pages preview here:



Set free!

This year, a big change in my works is the rim of vessels are left as they are, not cut straight.

My mind sees the beauty of the edges of a slice of nerikomi pattern, developed from the way the block of pattern was formed. 

Vessels with untempered rim looks more vibrant.






Before and after glaze firing - after glaze firing at 1220C for 12 hours, it is sad to see how much the vessels shrink during the fierce process, 18% reduction (e.g. 40cm to 34cm in height)!

Of course on the other hand, I am grateful that they survived, without cracks and not warped.

Collection Talk to Me

My nerikomi patterns come out beautifully on this new form, so pleased with the visual effect. 


Nerikomi 'Glacier'


Nerikomi 'Starrynight'




Nerikomi 'Ocean'





Collection Embrace


Stary stary night…… nerikomi ‘Starynight’.



Collection Talk TO ME


New design survived firing !

A large opening like an ear that happily catches what you would like to say.
A bit tilting, an adjustment made to balance the weight of the work.
I made a small base shaped like a piece of cloud, may be someone somewhere is listening to you. 


Nerikomi Quilt


Collection Embrace

 This nerikomi pattern has so much variations, exceptionally good visual effect, I named it Nerikomi Glacier. 



Collection Embrace

 Very pleased with the new form, vibrant, like open arms/or tail/or wings, waving you to get closer.

nerikomi Ocean

Nerikomi Quilt

Nerikomi Swivel

New forms

 New form with wings,  new form like seashell, feeling very creative in Spring!